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Can we please get a sequel to this game or just something in this world. I really liked the esoteric soviet propaganda vibe

(1 edit) (+5)

My man Leth i have just one question can we get some more games like this, pretty please, cause oh my god i love this style of resource management and this game scratched an itch in gaming i didn't even know i needed, the unsettling atmosphere, the subtle lore that things aren't what they truly are and my god the reveal at the end? you need to make some sort of tie in sequel or just more games like this, Keep up the awesome work man! probs gonna show this to my Mates next time they're over.


Had a lot of fun playing this game, was easy to play and the mechanics were solid. Just wish the tension was built a little bit stronger because it wasn’t fully horror filled like I hoped it be. Definitely worth a play through! 

Why does these types of games always just have a bad ending? 3/10


dumbest comment ever 




i love this game, and i was NOT expecting the eding


the greatest horror game i've ever played, the ending got me in shock.


This was a lot of fun, I did not expect that twist to occur with the ending! Great job, loved the tension and balancing act of all the stuff to keep an eye on. This was a blast, hope you keep on making games!


i just finished playing a night ago and yea that ENDING was awesome!


I made a Short to go along with my playthrough. I'm new to this, but I wanted to create interest in my video and the game, but I also didnt want to give anything away. I hope it's alright. 

(1 edit) (+2)

I LOVED this so much. The managing of information and the creepy living space. The isolation and disconnection from the surface. This is exactly what kind of games I come looking for on the site!! <3 <3 

EDIT: The notes gave you just enough info to piece together what is REALLY happening, but without spoiling it!


It's an amazing game! Thank you for your work! I really love how you introduce complex stuff at the beginning, first there is nothing to worry about, but later it becomes very tense. Also, I love the lore, and the ending... Well, I am very grateful I chose to go in blind

(2 edits) (+2)

Devs yous have made a special little indie game, it has everything to be a great game including a really interesting story and gameplay loop, amazing sound design and grungy stylistic visuals. It's not scary but has a really heavy atmosphere.  It also reminds me of some indie greats....


It feels like Iron Lung but you're a driller, if you know what I mean ;)

(1 edit) (+2)

uhhhhhhh i fell in and got softlocked.

Edit: I replayed it and finished the game, excellent game and surprising ending! Well done!



Mans found the ending early lol


Really great game! Loved the atmosphere, the increasing pressure of the workplace, a solid length for a short horror game with a satisfying ending. Definite recommend and follow. 


Wanted to create an account to say that this game was great! The atmosphere was great from the beginning and kept me on edge throughout, not knowing what to expect. The slight tension buildups through each work day was great and kept me nervous. The ending was surprising and very welcome. Looking forward to more games from you!


What an excellent little game inspired by Iron Lung! While it would've been nice to have a run button for a certain late-game complication, the gameplay is excellent, and the ending is very well foreshadowed if you pay attention to notes and the particulars of the machinery you're operating. Glad the finicky algorithm recommended me this game to try!


I registered here only to write this. This game is amazing, it really has the atmosphere of monotonous day to day work, great aesthetics, finale was really unexpected. I really wish it had a little bit more content combined with endless mode, the game loop is very entertaining. I would sink hours in this game!


The experience was exciting to say the least i felt the emotion at the end when i eventually known the truth behind everything i fell into great despair and despite knowing the truth i kept going and kept digging for the company.

Also made a video on it.




One of the best working horror games! Nice job devs:


The story is very engaging


i was not expecting that twist at the end lol great game 


dude, dont make your thumbnail a spoiler


Genuinely a really well made game with interesting mechanics, good atmosphere and good graphics. My light criticisms would be that the ending was somewhat anticlimatic and sort of doesn't really make sense. Is our character supposed to strap the clamps onto themselves now? I thought it was going to be us descending into some sort of creature nest and getting killed. Tying into the creature nest it would have been cool to maybe see some more spooky stuff happening outside the bunker occasionally, some more weird noises etc.

Again really good game, looking forward to more


What a beautiful game experience.


I would be a horrible drill operator lol  good game though, makes me want to play again until i don't suck ahaha   


Very well-made! Interesting setting and story. Good job


this was a nice game, chilling


mmmmm want more loooooooreee


Was this game inspired by iron lung? That's what the game felt like


That was fun I enyoyed it


The game was great


loved the game, too bad it was so short <3
(4 edits) (+3)

1. Звуковое/музыкальное сопровождение отлично отображает исходящую действительность. 
2. Сюжет повествует от лица простого рабочего, труд которого оценивается лишь на благодать и не более. 
3. Окружение/графика довольно хорошо сочетают в себе эстетику 70-х годов, лозунги и плакаты, похожие на лозунги советской коммунистической партии, что довольно хорошо вписывается в лор игры. Посмотрите наше прохождение на YouTube. 


Great game. The I love the zeal mechanic with the paper, so satisfying. Also, I will love this "drill" mechanism in a multiplayer experience or something.


Cool game, with cool, enjoyable gameplay, but what's really cool about the game is the atmosphere.

You guys are super cool!


MY HEAD IS BLOWN!!! This game is amazing, i loved everything about it


Wow! What a game! Very eerie! I loved the mechanics and general concept! Would definitely recommend giving it a try!


MWAH, chef's kiss

For a simulation game! Love the concept and small details that went into this! For other creators! This game takes about 45 minutes, and requires good fast acting pace! One of the best details that I did however like was the save feature after each shift! Great game 9.5/10!

Very cool game! Besides the gas giving me trouble on the penultimate shift was very intruiging!

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